Thursday, December 17, 2015

Bruce Lee


Remember a few weeks ago when we talked about Panavision? In the 1950s, Hollywood attempted to lure viewers away from their new TV sets by making movies widescreen, color, and/or 3-D. Panavision was the wide format asked about on your Final.

One of the few remaining screens that can show 70 mm film is the Arclight's Cinerama Dome. We discussed The Hateful 8 and how it was going to screen there, and I suggested you go over Break.

Stay tuned, because it may only be playing Star Wars now. Here is an excellent brief article explaining the historical significance of the Cinerama Dome, what it meant to Tarantino's new movie, and the politics of movie distribution.

The Hateful Eight bumped from Cinerama Dome at Arclight-Hollywood-for-Star-Wars/41533

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Los Angeles Theaters!

Sign up for a free newsletter about the best movie events every week: Film Radar It will tell you about Q&As with filmmakers and actors, special events like Psycho at the's a great resource!

 There are special screenings of silent movies (Chaplin, Buster Keaton, etc) (with full orchestras playing music while you watch) around Los Angeles every year. Keep your eyes open for them! You might find out about them through Film Radar, free newspapers like LA Weekly, or by subscribing to some theater's newsletters.

 The easiest way to find movie times once you know your theater name is to use Moviephone or Fandango.

Movie Palaces in Los Angeles still playing feature films:

 -Hollywood Mann Chinese (one of the original movie palaces, and still a great experience). This is where the Hollywood Walk of Fame and stars' hand and footprints are. Now it's an IMAX theater! Make sure you are looking at showtimes for their big IMAX theater, not their multiplex next door: Mann Chinese

 -Fox Village in Westwood (Seats 1400 people! Often an audience of UCLA students). Even has a balcony!: Fox Theater Westwood

-Regency Bruin Theater in Westwood (not quite as cool, but still one big theater playing one movie:

-Hollywood El Capitan (Disney pre-show entertainment and Hollywood exhibits of costumes and props).

 -Hollywood Arclight Cinerama Dome (You have to make sure your movie is the one playing in the Dome, not in the Arclight Multiplex. Website is confusing). All the Arclight muliplex locations including the Sherman Oaks Galleria show classic old movies under “Arclight Presents”

 -Hollywood Egyptian Theater (They also have a free tour Saturday mornings at 10:30am. Screens films in original 35mm or 70mm film, has star Q&As)

 -Hollywood Pantages now shows Broadway theater instead of movies Cinespia at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. These screenings are so amazing. Most screenings allow under 17 year olds with an adult. Bring a picnic, and see a classic under the stars with 3,500 people! Runs April-September.

Smaller theaters that only show one movie: 

- Nuart Theatre in Santa Monica/Westwood area - right off the 405 and Santa Monica Boulevard. Home of Rocky Horror every Saturday night at midnight, and classic movies every Friday at midnight. It’s an active audience of filmlovers.

- The New Beverly in West Los Angeles Owned and programmed by director Quentin Tarantino. Only shows 35mm prints of cool older movies. Huge, loyal audience attending. Often has celebrity appearances.

- Cinefamily in West Hollywood shows cool older movies, new indie movies, and has special events with stars and directors.

- Santa Monica Aero (screens in original 35mm or 70mm film, has star Q&As) This theater turns 75 years old December 12th. 

-Westwood Crest (one of my favorites…not huge, but they do the lights and curtains before each movie, and the décor is fun and beautiful).

-Laemmle - Small multiplextheater, but they show terrific arthouse and indie movies. They also show classic movies at their North Hollywood location : “Throwback Thursdays”.

Some of the original, AMAZING cinema palaces in downtown Los Angeles are still open occasionally for special movie events and tours: